Saturday, October 11, 2008

Updates and ramblings

Ok, this will be some what spastic probably. I've not yet really gotten into the habit of posting anything to a blog, but I want to :)

For anyone who is following me on Twitter, you can now see my last 10 Twitter posts on the side bar of this blog, and also on several of my other blogs (which are also linked on the side bar here I think)..

To anyone from FaceBook, welcome. If you're not following me on Facebook, I'm there, too, you can find me either by searching my name, or going to this link:

The last year, and specifically the last couple months have been noteworthy.

This year I've been to Detroit twice, to shoot Put's aircraft maintenance video, which is still in work.

I got to work with Glen Hopkins, shot an internet marketing workshop with him in Seattle.

At Glen's workshop, I met Bob Jenkins, who is another internet marketer. I got to fly out to D.C. to shoot another workshop with Bob, and Glen was also there.

In other news, I've sort of lost track of how many weddings I shot this year, but its been a busy year, to be sure.

I'm going through a divorce, and have moved from Seattle down to Tacoma.

So, here's a pondering question, since my business website is, if I don't live in Seattle, should I be thinking about changing my website / business name? I've grown accustomed to signing web posts as "Carlin in Seattle"... its kind of a branding I guess. While I'm sure people know where Tacoma is, it seems weird to change ;)

Ok, I guess that's it for now.

Stay tuned!

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